Thursday, September 8, 2016

Sql Server Special Table Types

Special Table Types

Objective of this post is to provide a list of special tables available in Sql Server and brief description of that. If you wish to study them in details, I will be providing the links. Let's get started –
There are following special types of table are available in Sql Server.
1. Temporal table
2. Memory-Optimized table
3. Partitioned tables
4. Temporary table
5. System tables
6. Wide tables

Let's explore them one by one.

Temporal Table - Also known as system versioned tables are introduced in Sql Server
2016 and this kind of table keeps the full history of data changes and it's almost like Slowly changing dimensions in Data warehouse. Each such table has two additional column of data type datetime2 to maintain the validity period of the record. For details visit the below link.

Memory Optimized Table -
Memory-optimized tables are completely conformed to ACID properties of database and it resides in main memory. Sql server keeps a copy of it in the disc just for durability. These kinds of tables provide better performance than a disk based tables but it depends on many factors and volume of data is the major factor. Here is the syntax to create a Memory-optimized table –

Create Table [dbo].[DemoTable]
Email nvarchar(256),
FullName nvarchar(256)

Partitioned tables
In this kind of table you can partition the data on the basis of a partition function or a column. Suppose you have data of employees and you want to partition the data on the basis of office location. If you have five work locations , so you will be creating five partition. Again there are two kind of partitioning Vertical and Horizontal. For details visit below link.

Temporary tables
Temporary tables provide work space to store intermediate result set. They are created on the fly and doesn’t store in disk. They are fast and provide all the features of a table. Again there are three kind of temporary tables.
A. Local Temporary Table
Syntax –
Create Table #DemoT
ID int,
Name varchar(256)

B.Global Temporary Table
Syntax -
Create Table ##DemoT
ID int,
Name varchar(256)

C.Table Variables
Declare  @DemoT
ID int,
Name varchar(256)
There are difference between these three types like you can create index on Temp tables and Sql server maintains the statistics for Temp tables but it’s not true for table variables . For details check this –

System Table –
These tables hold data about Database itself and should not be modified or delete.
Be extra careful while working with system tables, these are good source of information about and inside of database. Example are Sys.objectsSys.tables, Sys.columns

Wide Tables
As the name suggest wide table can have up to 30,000 columns. This kind of tables has very limited use because most of the column should be NULL to adhere to the total row size 8019 bytes.  Wide table can be created or existing table can be converted to wide table, be extra careful before using them. Wide table require performance considerations, you can find the details below –